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Coram Life EducationSCARF

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SCARF systematically develops children’s resilience, confidence and practical skills to navigate life on and offline, empowering them to make changes to last a lifetime. Sign up today.

A whole-school approach to wellbeing and mental health

Coram Life Education is the UK’s leading charity provider of PSHE education, supporting over 50,000 teachers and reaching over 600,000 pupils.

Our vision is for all children to acquire the life skills needed to thrive.

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Unicef Square Rights Respecting
Logo of the Education Endowment Foundation - a pyramid of triangles with an orange triangle at its top
Sex Education Forum logo
PSHE Association Logo
CST logo
Daniel Spago Mabbs Foundation logo
Hotels with Heart logo
Natasha Allergy Research Foundation
Anti-Bullying Alliance Logo
Newcastle University logo