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Coram Life EducationSCARF

Helping children with anxiety about world events

The SCARF curriculum works in a holistic way to give children the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to help them develop coping strategies, including:

  • Critical thinking - including evaluating fact versus opinion and spotting 'fake' news
  • Resilience in the face of uncertainty or things over which they have little or no control
  • Recognising the value of sharing their feelings with trusted adults

So your SCARF lessons will already be supporting children at this time of worry.

In addition to this, there are resources on our website designed to help children to manage anxiety, some of which are free for all schools, whether or not you have SCARF:

We also recommend the guidance on how to talk to children about the current situation from BBC NEWSROUND which includes an explanation of the history of this region. There's also a more general page about children who are worried:  Advice if you're upset by the news.

Here are further resources that we've evaluated and think could be particularly helpful for teachers and parents/carers of primary-age children:

Resources specific to the current situation:

Generic resources to build resilience and foster empathy:

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Black and white photograph of a sad and worried female child