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Coram Life EducationSCARF

Share your Scarf - supporting Children's Mental Health Week


Each day this week we're thinking about one of the SCARF letters and what it means to us.

Today is Safety day.

Give each child a copy of the letter S for Safety and ask them to think about what being safe means to them. 

Start with some key questions:

  1. What do you do to help keep yourself safe?
  2. How do other people help to keep you safe?
  3. How can you help others to keep safe?

Share your scarf!

Display the S for Safety posters for everyone to see. 

There's a different letter each day for children to share with others. By the end of the week, they will be sharing their whole SCARF!

Letter S is for Safety - blank version for children to decorate
Copy or print this S then draw and write your ideas about SAFETY - how you keep safe, who helps you to keep safe and how you can help yourself to keep safe!