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Coram Life EducationSCARF

SCARF assessment tools 

Our assessment tools have been designed to work alongside the themes of the SCARF half termly units of lesson plans  - for Y1 to 6 (Eng), P2 to 7 (Sco), but they can be used more flexibly, according to your school's requirements.

SCARF assessment tools  will help you to implement best practice in assessment, as set out by the PSHE Association's guidance: that:

"Assessment in PSHE education should not be about levels or grades, passing or failing. The model of assessment that is most meaningful is ipsative assessment. This compares the pupil’s results against his or her previous results in a similar way to an athlete measuring today’s performance against their previous performance. So the benchmark against which progress is measured is the pupil’s own starting point; not the performance of others or the requirements of an exam syllabus. "

PSHE Association's Guidance to Assessment for Learning and Progression

Schools approach assessment in different ways, so SCARF gives you three separate assessment tools. Choose just one, or a combination of these options - whichever works best for your school.

SCARF Progress: pre- and post-unit assessment

Enables you and the child to see the progress that has been made over the course of each half-termly unit of lesson plans.

For each unit there is a specially designed pre and post-unit assessment activity. Conducted twice, this first determines the baseline; it's then repeated at the end of the unit, enabling you to monitor progress, record key points and identify areas for further development.

SCARF Success: 'I can...' statements

Our end-of-unit assessment tool, SCARF success provides succinct 'I can' statements, summarising learning against each unit's key learning outcomes. Working alongside the suggested half-termly lesson plan units, SCARF success helps you to keep the whole year's PSHE and Wellbeing assessment records in one place. You can choose whether to use the success criteria for a whole class or for each child.

Wearing my Scarf: a child-led approach

Provides inspiring tools to encourage children’s personal reflection on their learning; a place for them to record what they found helpful, thought-provoking, and challenging. All that you need to help children reflect on and record their PSHE and Wellbeing-related learning journeys, whatever order you choose for your SCARF lesson plans.

Progression and assessment

More recently, we've also added a learning intentions, skills progression and assessment questions document which maps progression across the SCARF spiral curriculum, giving you a further option for assessment in PSHE.

Go to your SCARF assessment tools

You'll find the three assessment tools within each year group's suggested half-termly units.

Not following the SCARF suggested half-termly units? 

If you want to organise your lesson plans differently from the suggested half-termly units, then SCARF progress and SCARF success will provide you with best-practice models of assessment tools, and can be adapted to fit your chosen sequence of lesson plans. And the SCARF reflections personal learning tools will work with all chosen ways of organising SCARF lessons.

If you are one of the 50,000+ SCARF subscribers remember that your SCARF licence comes with free staff training. We'll be happy to advise on assessment or any other part of implementing SCARF. There is also a recorded webinar on assessment available for free to all SCARF subscribers.